How do I book an appointment?
You can book directly online using the button below which will take you to the available appointments. This allows you to pick a time that is most convenient for you and check for scheduling conflicts.
Or you can call 0408533515 or email Kim Ross, Psychologist.
Or you can call 0408533515 or email Kim Ross, Psychologist.
How long is your waiting list?
Current availability is 1-2 weeks.
Where are Sessions Held?
How do Telehealth appointments work?
Telehealth service is a psychological therapy service that is delivered via video conference where both a visual and audio link has been established between a client and their treating allied health professional.
Does Telehealth work as well as face to face counselling sessions?
Although research into the field is ongoing, on-line therapy is generally found to be similar to face to face therapy in terms of successful outcomes
What are the benefits of Telehealth?
- Convenient. Saves you time and running around.
- Comfortable. You are in a familiar environment.
- Sustainable. Reduced petrol and traffic congestion.
- Flexibile. You can access therapy in your lunch break, on a work location, whilst travelling for work.
- Accessible. You don't need to leave your house.
- Increased privacy and confidentiality, especially if you are living in a small community.
Will Telehealth work for me?
Telehealth is beneficial in many cases, however, like any therapy style or format it is not suitable for everyone, and this is something we discuss with you in your initial booking or pre-appointment phone call.
The best type of therapy is the one you get when you are ready for it.
What happens after I book?
After you book in you will receive an email with information to read and forms to complete.
Booking in is a commitment to attend and to pay in accordance with the session fee policy. In some cases you will be asked to provide a deposit at the time of booking.
Booking in is a commitment to attend and to pay in accordance with the session fee policy. In some cases you will be asked to provide a deposit at the time of booking.
What type of therapy do you do?
- The exact strategies will depend on the reasons your child is coming to sessions.
- Strategies may include mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, goal setting and habit creation, psychoeducation, anxiety management strategies, relaxation strategies, anger management strategies, sleep hygiene, gratitude, communication skills, assessment, diagnosis, and counselling.
- Your participation through parental support and assistance is an important part of the work.
Do you offer discounts for concession card holders?
No, as a small independent clinic, it is not financially sustainable for me to offer discounted fees.
Why don't you offer after school appointments?
I have found that most children are tried after school. Therapy sessions are often cognitively and/or emotionally demanding and to get the most value from them it is important that your child is as alert as possible.
Is my child too young for me to see you?
Clients frequently ask me if their child is too young to get help. I say 'no', it's never too early or too late to get help. The right support at the right time can make a world of difference, for you and your child.
What to check before booking an appointment
These are some of the most common questions I am asked when people call to book an appointment
- Appointments are via telehealth - which uses Zoom. (see below for more information about telehealth).
- Positive Young Minds current fee is $240.
- NDIS plan managed clients pay the scheduled NDIS fee.
- Rebates are available if you have a valid mental health care plan from your GP/Paediatrician.
- You may be able to claim a rebate from your private health care fund (you will need to check this out with your individual health fund).
- Positive Young Minds sees NDIS self-managed and some plan-managed referrals.
- You do not need a mental health care plan, or any type of referral to book an appointment.
- Please read the session fee policy. Cancellation fees apply for cancellations with less than 48 hours notice and are applied.
- All work with children under 7 is conducted either exclusively or jointly with parents. For children between 7-10 parents are generally present for the majority of the sessions. Parental presence after this age depends on your child's needs and functional capacities, as well as the presenting issue.
- I do not offer play therapy, family therapy, or court work.